Speaker's Profile
Jean's live and virtual audiences are delighted by the experiences she brings to every speaking engagement. She gained this experience by owning multiple businesses, winning sales contests as a State Farm insurance agent and as a senior level business development/sales professional in Healthcare. As a result of her influence in the community, she was asked to host her own radio show, the Jean Poole Hour of Power. Her indelible weekly broadcast, brought an hour of empowering and encouraging content to her audiences. Her audiences range from high school students to more senior age and senior level listeners. Keynote Topics include:
Emotional Intelligence
The Link between Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking
High Emotion Quotient (EQ) Customer Service
Control your attitude, you will control the environment
TNT will eventually Blow UP (Talking aNd Thinking about it)
Throw away your “AAA” card – Anger, Aggravation and Agitation
Change Management
The Pain of Change - Leading Through Change
Free Yourself to be Yourself
Don't Let What You Can't Do Get in the Way of What you Can
Start where you are...Use what you have...Do what you can
Lessons Learned
Why Waste a Perfectly Good Mistake
3D Stress – Discouragement, Distraction and Doubt, the ties that bind
How to Determine the Real Person vs the Representative
Changing Lanes on a Busy Highway – Career Management
New Supervisor/Manager Training
Co-Worker last Night...Boss This Morning
Sales Teams
Create Credible Closing Conversations
Make a Way, Not Excuses
Create Value through Challenge not Confirmation
Hard of “Hearing” or Hard of “Listening”
Team Synergy – Leading teams that don’t report to you, but are critical to the operation
Conflict Resolution strategies – All boats rise with the tide, one hole can sink the boat